Quickly Become A Best-Selling Author So You Can Impact The World & Your Income!

...even if you have no idea how to publish your book!

How to finally get your book written and published quickly so you can rise above your competition, attract and convert right-fit clients who are waiting to hire you!

Find out more about the upcoming book all about the BEST of Maine Food and Beverages!

As seen on...

You wrote the book now get the Attention You DESERVE!

Become a Best-Seller and become an A.C.E. with Authority, Celebrity and Expert Status so you can get more leads, close faster and level up to high ticket sales.

"…She fuels you with exactly what you need, so that you can achieve the outcome desired financially and personally." = Caroline Hammond Founder Safe In Harm's Way Organization

What Can You Turn Into a Best-Seller?

I have a proprietary system that allows you to become a better coach, speaker or consultant. Be the obvious leader of your industry and double your income in as little as 3 months! Here are some of the many things I can help you accomplish...

  • Your Story

  • Your Course or Coaching Program

  • Your Best Speech

  • Your Collaboration Book

  • A children's book

  • Your Own Workbook or Journal!

It's always about the story, so let me give you a bit of mine. Many of you will relate to at least one part.

When I look back over the traumas I have made it through I remember how I had cried so many times about how unfair it was. UNFAIR, I was one of the 1 in 9 children sexually abused. UNFAIR, that I only had 7 hours with my first born before he slipped away in my arms. UNFAIR that my 38 year old husband died unexpectedly just 5 days after we moved from Maine to Atlanta.

But the day came that I STOPPED crying about it being unfair. Why? Because there are hundreds of thousands of other women who have had to survive the same things I did. Hundreds of thousands who have suffered loss, abuse and life-changing heartache. Life is life and our traumas, struggles and personal challenges are what form us.

I realized that everything I had gone through had simultaneously made me a warrior and had transformed me into who I am. Empathetic, understanding, internally complex and beautiful and yes even hopeful.

So it's NOT about my 27 years in Marketing, Advertising and Sales or about my decades of being a top sales professional in digital media. It's not even about my decades of experience in digital design, social media, websites and funnel building. (although I did have to mention it so you know I'm legit).

What it IS about, is becoming a 2x International Best Selling Author, National Speaker and the CEO of an Independent Publishing Company. Why is THAT what's important?



What My Authors Say...

Firstly, I have been in 2 international best sellers now, almost geared up for a third.

Also, I created my latest opt in (eBook) for my membership launch - from conception to release in LESS THAN 2 WEEKS. (...over 60 sign ups since release Jan 16th)

I did all that only because of Melissa. She has been such a powerhouse and massive support to my success I cannot express how much I freaking love her. Since working with her, I have learned how to write my story efficiently, quickly and get it out there.


New Leaf Your Life

My work with Melissa Mansfield-Anderson has been amazing. She makes every component of the process completely easy. She fuels you with exactly what you need, so that you can achieve the outcome desired for financially and personally.

Every time I turned around, Melissa had another resource for us to use to further our cause and promote the books. She is a pleasure to work with, and engaging editor!

I will always choose to work with Melissa at every opportunity.


Safe In Harms Way

...all of the sparks in the world do not always get you across the finish line. Sometimes you need a guide. Melissa, you have been that for me.

Today, my book was visible on Amazon!! I cried and laughed at the same time. Who would have thought a woman in her late 40's from LaGrange, GA would be writing her first book and starting a coaching business? You not only motivated me to finish my book but helped me to build my business from scratch! You are a godsend and I am so grateful for you!


The Real Doree O

Why work with me and my publishing company?

Someone out there needs to hear your story, don't make them wait any longer!

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