Best Seller Terms

Less than .6% have the title...there's a reason why

If it was easy, everyone would be a Best Selling author, but less than .6% of people actually are, because it requires a mix of good writing, marketing and experience.

My system, when followed has a 100% success rate for hitting goal. For the system to work you will be required to participate in the marketing during the last week of your book's campaign. I will give you strategy, content and make it as easy for you as possible but understand it will take effort. As ALL transformational, life changing things do.

I am so confident in what we do here that I even offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If the unexpected happens and you have followed all the requirements on your end while we work together on your campaign and your book does not reach top 100, we will run your campaign again FREE 60 days later through our own platforms and audience.

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